Who will ensure compliance of my products with the EU cosmetics regulation?

Who will ensure compliance of my products with the EU cosmetics regulation?

Author:Kasey Beauty Time:2019-11-29

Finally, each cosmetic product placed on the EU market needs to have a Responsible Person (RP) assigned. The RP has to be based in EU (their address indicated in the label), and their primary task is to guarantee that each cosmetic product placed on the market always remains safe and compliant with the regulation. Their obligation includes ensuring appropriate safety assessment has been done, making the PIF readily accessible to the local competent authority, notifying cosmetic products which are placed on the EU market to the CPNP and informing national authorities of any serious undesirable effects.

The RP can be the EU based individual or the company itself or it can be an outsourced third party individual or company such as CE. way to act on behalf of companies based outside of the European Union.

Who will ensure compliance of my products with the EU cosmetics regulation?

Private label cosmetics manufacturers-Kasey beauty

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