Brief introduction CPSR, PIF, CPNP regulation

Brief introduction CPSR, PIF, CPNP regulation

Author:Kasey Beauty Time:2020-1-8

If you plan to sell the cosmetics to European, and based on the European regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 on cosmetic products requires industry professionals do

CPSR Cosmetic Product Safety Report )
PIF ( Product Information File )
CPNP( Cosmetic Products Notification Portal )for each product commercialized

If you work with us, we can help you do that. Our factory facility is ISO 22716 certified and complies with Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). We are free to provide legal papers for you to register, some report has an additional cost.

CPSR Cosmetic Product Safety Report
The CPSR is comprised of two parts

Part A: Cosmetic Product Safety Information
This section requires product information and test data to justify the safety of the cosmetic product.

Part B: Cosmetic Product Safety Assessment.
This will be carried out by a qualified person. The safety assessor opinion why the product is safe to be placed on the market.

The safety assessor should be a person in possession of a diploma or other evidence of formal qualifications awarded on completion of a university course of theoretical and practical study in pharmacy, toxicology, medicine or similar discipline or a course recognized as equivalent by a Member State”

The CPSR report is not permanent, if the regulations updated in 2 or 5 years later and your CPSR may need to remake.

PIF ( Product Information File )

Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 – PIF requirements

Article 11.1 of the EC regulation states: “When a cosmetic product is placed on the market, the responsible person shall keep a product information file for it.” A compliant product information file (PIF) therefore must be created from the date the cosmetic product is first sold and for a duration of 10 years from the date when the product is last sold.

The health authorities can review the PIF at any time, and if they notice that a cosmetic product presents any non-conformity, they will require the immediate withdrawal of the product.

Doing the PIF require CPSR, but when CPSR finish that almost finish 80% of PIF job, because regulation require some same documents.

CPNP Cosmetic Products Notification Portal

Selling the cosmetics on the EU market that must register the goods on the CPNP. The CPNP is a free of charge online notification system.
When a product has been notified in the CPNP there is no need for any further notification at national level in the European Union.

Brief introduction CPSR, PIF, CPNP regulation

  1. We have more than 10 years custom cosmetics experience that is easy for us to help your vision become a reality.
  2. We committed to providing the highest quality products, service and support for our customers that meet customer expectations.
  3. Quality Is Our Culture, work with us your money in safe and your business in safe

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